MWM: for three generations, a reliable partner for integrated logistics, with highly efficient and optimised modular solutions.

MWM in Opera at TEDx Cesena 2022

Opera as an artistic, musical, scientific creation, of nature, but also a commitment for change, sensitivity for the environment and people; an opera in the making that places the human being at the center.

Opera is the title chosen for the 2022 edition of TEDx Cesena, hosted on 30 November at the Bonci Theatre and which saw MWM among its sponsors.

At TEDx Cesena an Opera of great impact

An event of great impact – with an audience of 700 participants – enhanced by the stage set designed by the Pier Currà Architettura studio with 140 sheets of paper handmade by the guests of the Casa Circondariale as a backdrop for the speakers.

Each sheet contained a word related to the theme of the event, suggested during a survey addressed to the guests. Also starring in the work was the art of Simone Canolicchio of Scritte fatte a mano who painted the 140 words on the sheets.

MWM in Opera for sustainable logistics

MWM shares and supports the philosophy behind the TED events and, in particular, the theme of this year, with the Opera of Men at the center of a cultural, ethical, ecological and social transition. A choral work, in which every single reality, in its own small way, can contribute to a global change.

Committed to promoting increasingly sustainable logistics, MWM implements day-to-day actions and attentions in favor of the community. These include the adoption of an autonomous water system for refrigeration that avoid the use of public water and the use of photovoltaics, a clean, renewable and environmentally friendly energy source.

MWM and HUBO: Opera is born from ideas

The Man’s Work starts from ideas, from the exchange and dissemination of knowledge, from education as a path to individual and professional growth. With this spirit HUBO was born in 2021, an advanced digital space that promotes an interactive networking experience, based on the sharing of resources and know-how.

Ethical work for sustainable change

The change in Opera also embraces a sustainable vision of work that draws strength from the enhancement of human relations. MWM has undertaken,  a path to doing business in an ethical way in collaboration with Passodue, focusing on the involvement and motivation of employees, customer satisfaction, well-being at work and cooperation, between people.

An innovative project – also mentioned by the Harvard Business Review – which the connection between ethical behavior and improved corporate performance in terms of service quality, increased sales and customer loyalty.

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In 2023, we hope you will implement a change that will create new opportunities for your business to grow, while respecting the territory, the community and the people you work with.